Construction Update: Fall 2022

Section RC1 Substantially Completed. Three New Bridges Under Construction North of the PA Turnpike

The project to improve U.S. 1 in Bucks County reaches significant milestones this fall with the substantial completion of Section RC1 and completion of two new bridges north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Section RC1, the first of three construction projects for PennDOT’s U.S. 1 Bucks Improvement Project, will be completed this fall after nearly four years of construction to widen and improve the roadway between the Turnpike Interchange and Old Lincoln Highway. Section RC2 remains focused on the construction of new U.S. 1 bridges over the Neshaminy Creek, over Rockhill Drive at the Neshaminy Exit, and over the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange.


The first of three projects under PennDOT’s initiative to improve travel and safety on the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County, the $95 million Section RC1 contract between Old Lincoln Highway and the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange will be substantially finished in early fall.

Under construction since late 2018, Section RC1 reconstructed and widened approximately one mile of U.S. 1, and replaced bridges over Street Road (Route 132), the Turnpike and its ramps. The Bristol Road bridge over U.S. 1 also was replaced under this first section to accelerate work on the U.S. 1 widening currently underway under Section RC2.

In addition, a third travel lane was constructed in each direction, medians were widened to provide 12-foot-wide inside shoulders, and driveway accesses from U.S. 1 to Street Road were relocated. The road’s profile also was raised to improve vertical clearances over Street Road (Route 132), the Turnpike and its ramps.

The U.S. 1 interchange with Street Road (Route 132) also was reconstructed. The westbound Street Road (Route 132) ramp was relocated to the south side of the highway, where it shares a new signalized intersection, with turn lanes, with the off-ramp from northbound U.S. 1. Ramps to and from southbound U.S. 1 were constructed west of U.S. 1, with access at another new signalized intersection.

Left-turn lanes also were added in both directions at the Turnpike’s westbound slip ramp intersection on Street Road (Route 132), and a new on-ramp from eastbound Street Road (Route 132) to southbound U.S. 1 was added.

Section RC1 included replacement of the ramps to and from U.S.1 and the Turnpike interchange. 

Post-construction “punch list” adjustments, with associated short-term travel restrictions, may continue in the RC1 work area through spring 2023


Section RC2 construction north of the Turnpike continued with excavation in the northbound and southbound shoulder areas, where an additional lane will be built in each direction through the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange.

Also at that interchange, the northbound ramp to Penndel/Business U.S. 1 has been reconstructed and widened. A temporary traffic signal is in place during construction at the turn-around at the bottom of the ramp to southbound Old Lincoln Highway.

On the southbound side, crews completed deck construction on the new southbound U.S. 1 bridge over the Neshaminy Creek and began construction of the third southbound lane south of the bridge through to the Neshaminy Interchange. The bridge is currently being used as the on-ramp to southbound U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway while the new mainline bridge approach is being constructed.

A major traffic pattern shift is expected in spring 2023 that will move two lanes of northbound and southbound U.S. 1 traffic onto the new southbound bridge, allowing the existing bridge to be dismantled and demolished over the winter months. Once the bridge and its supports are removed, work will get underway to build the new northbound structure.

North of the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchange, construction also is progressing on the new northbound bridge over the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange and the adjacent rail lines (see above). At the completion of this structure later this fall, two lanes each of northbound and southbound U.S. 1 traffic will be moved onto the new span and then shifted to the west as part of the traffic shift onto the new southbound bridge over Neshaminy Creek. Work will begin to remove and replace the original southbound bridge.

The section of Old Lincoln Highway between the southbound on-ramp and Bristol Road also was reconstructed over the summer and reopened in early fall.

In late summer, following work started on replacing the U.S. 1 bridge over Rockhill Drive at the Neshaminy Exit. U.S. 1 traffic was shifted to the existing southbound bridge, and work is now underway to replace the northbound side of the overpass with a wider structure to accommodate the widening on U.S. 1. The on-ramp to southbound U.S. 1 from Rockhill Drive has been closed for construction to improve the interchange. Section RC2 is expected to be completed in mid-2026.

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S. 1 in Bucks County by reconstructing and widening the pavement, replacing several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Construction Update: Summer 2022

Section RC1, the first of three construction projects for PennDOT’s $95 million U.S. 1 Bucks Improvement Project, will be completed this summer after nearly four years of construction to widen and improve the roadway between the Turnpike Interchange and Old Lincoln Highway. Section RC2 remains focused on the construction of new U.S. 1 bridges over the Neshaminy Creek and the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange.


Beginning in the fall of 2018, Section RC1 included improvements to U.S. 1, Street Road (Route 132), and Bristol Road, in addition to interchange improvements at the U.S. 1/Street Road Interchange and the U.S. 1/Pennsylvania Turnpike Interchange.

Under this project, U.S. 1 was reconstructed between the Street Road (Route 132) and PA Turnpike interchanges. A third travel lane was added in each direction, medians were widened to provide 12-foot-wide inside shoulders, and driveway accesses from U.S. 1 to Street Road were relocated. The road’s profile also was raised to improve vertical clearances over Street Road (Route 132), the Turnpike and its ramps.

Street Road (Route 132) also was reconstructed and widened to include turn lanes during RC1 construction. Signalized intersections and turn lanes were constructed at the relocated U.S. 1 Interchange ramps, the driveway at the Red Roof Inn was relocated, left-turn lanes were added in both directions at the Turnpike’s westbound slip ramp intersection on Street Road, and a new Southbound on-ramp from eastbound Street Road was added.

The Bristol Road Bridge also was replaced to improve vertical clearance over U.S. 1 and room for widening U.S. 1 below.

This project also included the relocation and construction of new ramps at the Street Road (Route 132) and Turnpike interchanges. 


Significant progress was made this spring on the bridges carrying U.S. 1 over the Neshaminy Creek and the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchange.

With support columns in place, workers placed deck beams and installed rebar on the new southbound Neshaminy Creek bridge (see below) in preparation for paving set to begin in July.

At the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchange, northbound bridge abutments and piers were completed and deck beams were placed in late June. The contractor expects to begin deck placement of the northbound bridge in late summer.

In addition to the bridge work, crews continue installation of the stormwater drainage system along U.S. 1 in the RC2 work area, and excavation continues along both sides of U.S. 1 to prepare for construction of a third travel lane between the Turnpike and Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchanges.

Later this summer following completion of RC1, work will get started at the Neshaminy Exit, including replacement of the U.S.1 bridge over Rockhill Drive and improvements to the interchange.

RC2 is expected to be completed in mid-2026.

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S.1 in Bucks County by reconstructing and widening the pavement, building several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a continuous three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Construction Update: Spring 2022

Three Bridges Completed, Two Under Construction on U.S. 1

Construction crews made significant progress on new bridges over the past winter, finishing the southbound bridge over the Turnpike ramps, completing much of the abutment and pier construction for the new southbound U.S. 1 bridge over the Neshaminy Creek, and beginning abutment and pier construction for the new northbound U.S. 1 bridge at the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 exit.

The bridge work and other construction is being done under two PennDOT projects (RC1, RC2) currently underway to improve U.S. 1 in Bucks County.

RC2 Bridge Progress

Crews are putting the finishing touches on the supports for the new southbound U.S. 1 bridge over the Neshaminy Creek (see below), and preparing to set deck beams and begin deck construction later this spring. PennDOT’s contractor will finish the southbound structure this summer.

As work continues on the creek bridge, construction continues on two abutments and three piers for the new northbound U.S. 1 bridge over the rail lines and ramps at the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchange this spring. Installation of deck beams is expected this summer.

On U.S. 1 between the Turnpike Interchange and the Bristol Road overpass, the contractor will work this spring to prepare the median to carry traffic during upcoming traffic pattern shifts around the bridge work areas.

In addition, southbound embankment excavation has finished, and installation of the project’s stormwater drainage system is underway there. Northbound embankment excavation continues, with drainage work to follow. Embankments along both sides of U.S. 1 are being excavated for construction of a third travel lane in each direction from just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange to the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange.

At the Neshaminy Interchange, the contractor will shift traffic away from the Rockhill Drive median area and begin work to add a center pier for the new U.S. 1 overpass following completion of utility work later this spring.

The $110.9 million RC2 project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2026.

RC1 Heading for Completion this Summer

With completion over the winter of the southbound side of the U.S. 1 bridge over the Turnpike ramps, new RC1 bridges are now in place over the Turnpike ramps, the Turnpike, and Street Road (Route 132).

Southbound U.S. 1 paving between Street Road (Route 132) and the commercial area approaching Old Lincoln Highway will be finished this spring, wrapping up major work on U.S. 1.

Reconstruction of the westbound side of Street Road through the U.S. 1 Interchange area continues until later this spring. The contractor will next install a permanent median barrier, then open the new ramp from Street Road to southbound U.S. 1 this summer to complete the work on the busy roadway.

As has been the case throughout construction, access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained until the $94 million RC1 project comes to a close in mid-2022. 

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S. 1 in Bucks County by reconstructing and widening the pavement, building several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a continuous three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township (see above) as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Construction Update: Winter 2021-22

U.S. 1 Bridge Construction Continues, Southbound U.S. 1 Paving Continues South of the Turnpike

Abutment and pier construction continue for the new U.S. 1 bridge over the Neshaminy Creek while abutment construction has started for the new U.S. 1 bridge over rail lines and the Penndel/U.S. 1 Business exit under one-of-two PennDOT projects currently underway to improve U.S. 1 in Bucks County.


Construction is underway through early 2022 on the north and south abutments and two in-stream piers for the new southbound bridge over the Neshaminy Creek (see below). Bridge beam setting and deck construction will then continue through winter as conditions permit, with placement of the concrete deck this spring and construction of the bridge finishing in early summer.

On U.S. 1 between the Turnpike Interchange and the Bristol Road overpass, the contractor continues to excavate the embankments along both sides of U.S. 1 for the construction of a third travel lane in each direction from just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange to the Penndel/U.S. 1 Business Interchange. Installation of drainage components will get underway in early 2022 along the southbound side of U.S. 1.

North of the Neshaminy Creek, the northbound ramp to U.S. 1 Business has been widened and construction has started on abutments and piers for the northbound structure over the Penndel Interchange and adjacent rail lines (see right), the project’s second set of large bridges. The new northbound structure is expected to be built by fall 2022.

At the Neshaminy Interchange, the contractor will continue drainage work and grading this winter in advance of construction to reconfigure and improve the interchange during a later stage of the project

The $110.9 million RC2 project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2026.


New southbound bridges are in place over the Turnpike and Street Road (Route 132), while the new southbound bridge over Turnpike’s ramps remains under construction (see below). The contractor will install parapets and tie-ins to the U.S. 1 bridge as conditions permit this winter. 

As construction continues on the final southbound bridge, southbound U.S. 1 paving between Street Road (Route 132) and the commercial area approaching Old Lincoln Highway will be finished over the winter if conditions permit.

The new southbound U.S. 1 ramp to Street Road (Route 132) has been completed and is now open (see below). After construction in the middle portion of Street Road wrapped up in late 2021, reconstruction of the westbound side of Street Road got underway. The new ramp from Street Road to southbound U.S. 1 will remain under construction until westbound widening on Street Road finishes in the spring. Eastbound Street Road reconstruction between Kingston Way and Old Lincoln Highway finished earlier in 2021. 

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Construction on the $94 million RC1 project will continue into mid-2022. 

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S. 1 in Bucks County by reconstructing and widening the pavement, building several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a continuous three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Wolf Administration Highlights Productive 2021 Design, Construction Season Across Southeast Pennsylvania

More than 190 construction projects underway worth more than $2.2 billion

King of Prussia, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Engineering District 6 is wrapping up an aggressive 2021 design and construction season that included 62 new contracts worth more than $540 million aimed at repairing and improving state highways and bridges across Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties.

“We are pleased with the investments we were able to make into our roadways and bridges this year,” said Acting District 6 Executive Louis Belmonte. “We had several high-profile improvement projects that were completed or began in 2021, all with the goal of providing safe and efficient transportation for all modes of travel across southeast Pennsylvania.”

District 6 currently has more than 190 projects under construction valued at over $2.2 billion. Some of the most notable projects that were completed this year include:

  • U.S. 422 Bridge Replacements – $98.3 million project that built new, wider bridges to improve travel and carry U.S. 422 motorists over the Schuylkill River, Norfolk Southern Railroad, South Trooper Road and Schuylkill River Trail in West Norriton, Upper Merion and Lower Providence townships, Montgomery County;
  • Interstate 95 Section BS4 – $80.9 million project that enhanced traffic flow and surface street access to I-95 and the Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange by widening and improving a section of Aramingo Avenue, building several new ramps, and extending Adams Avenue in the Frankford section of Philadelphia;
  • Interstate 76 Viaduct Rehabilitation – $47.1 million contract that rehabilitated and resurfaced the I-76 (Schuylkill Expressway) viaduct in Center City Philadelphia and repaired the three-span bridge over Route 23 (Conshohocken State Road) and several other I-76 structures in Montgomery County;
  • Route 452 (Market Street Bridge) Replacement – $21.5 million project that replaced the bridge carrying Route 452 (Market Street) over Amtrak and SEPTA railroad tracks in Marcus Hook Borough and Lower Chichester Township, Delaware County; and
  • Grays Ferry Bridge Rehabilitation – $15.3 million project that repaired and improved the bridge carrying Grays Ferry Avenue over the Schuylkill River, Amtrak/SEPTA and CSX railway tracks in Philadelphia.

Some of the most notable projects that began this year include:

  • U.S. 1 Section RC2 – $96.6 million project to widen and improve a 1.5-mile section of the highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships, Bucks County;
  • U.S. 202 (Dekalb Pike) Section 61S – $54.3 million project to improve, widen and reconstruct approximately 1.8 miles of U.S. 202 (Dekalb Pike) from Johnson Highway to Township Line Road in Norristown, and East Norriton and Whitpain townships, Montgomery County;
  • Interstate 95 Section AF2 – $31.7 million project to reconstruct sections of Delaware, Allegheny and Castor avenues in Philadelphia to improve traffic movement on surface streets at the I-95 Allegheny Avenue/Castor Avenue Interchange;
  • U.S. 1 Pavement Preservation – $13.7 million project to repair and resurface approximately six miles of U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) in Chadds Ford and Concord townships, Delaware County and Pennsbury Township, Chester County; and
  • County Line Road Improvement – $11 million project to reconstruct and improve a three-mile section of County Line Road in Warrington Township, Bucks County and Horsham Township, Montgomery County.

“We pride ourselves on taking an aggressive approach with our construction program in an effort to move crucial projects forward to enhance, reinforce and maintain our extensive transportation network,” Assistant District 6 Executive for Construction Harold Windisch said.

PennDOT owns and maintains more than 2,800 state bridges across the region, 345 of which are currently listed in poor condition. In 2021, District 6 was able to repair or replace 14 state bridges.

“It is crucial that we continue to deliver road and bridge projects from design to construction to significantly reduce the backlog of our pavement and bridge demands across the region,” PennDOT Assistant District 6 Executive for Design Chuck Davies said.

Across District 6, more than 124 miles of state highway were resurfaced in 2021.

The pothole season was extremely active for District 6 maintenance forces following a severe 2020-21 winter season. PennDOT maintenance crews across the region used more than 30,000 tons of asphalt to patch potholes and performed crack sealing operations on 336 miles of state highway to repair pavement.

“Maintaining our transportation system is paramount to extending the life of our highways and bridges, PennDOT Assistant District 6 Executive for Maintenance John Krafczyk said. “The longer life equates to money saved by deferring the need for major rehabilitation and replacement projects.”

District 6 responded to more than 6,000 pothole inquiries through PennDOT’s Customer Care Center in 2021, a 120 percent increase from the previous year.

District 6 continues to manage the challenges from the flood damage caused by Tropical Storm Ida in early September. PennDOT staff are working aggressively to make the necessary repairs under current contracts or program new projects to safely reopen damaged bridges and highways to travelers. Most of the repair work is complete or underway, however, there are several state bridges and highways that remain closed across the region due to various storm-related damage.

For a complete list of storm damage closures or construction projects impacting state-owned highways in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, visit the District 6 Traffic Bulletin.

Information about infrastructure in District 6 including completed work and significant projects, is available at Find PennDOT’s planned and active construction projects at

Construction Update: Fall 2021

New U.S. 1 Neshaminy Creek Bridge Construction, Southbound U.S. 1 Paving South of the Turnpike

Excavation and bridge construction mark the progress of work to widen and improve U.S. 1 north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike as paving on the southbound side of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway to the Turnpike underway this fall.

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S. 1 in Bucks County by reconstructing and widening the pavement, building several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a continuous three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.


New southbound bridges are in place over the Turnpike (see below) and Street Road (Route 132) while the new southbound bridge over Turnpike’s ramps remains under construction through early 2022.

As construction continues on the final southbound bridge, southbound paving between Street Road (Route 132) and the commercial area approaching Old Lincoln Highway is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The new southbound U.S. 1 ramp to Street Road (Route 132) has been completed and is now open (see right). The new ramp from Street Road to southbound U.S. 1 remains under construction until next spring.

On Street Road (Route 132), eastbound reconstruction between Kingston Way and Old Lincoln Highway has finished. When median construction wraps up later this year, eastbound and westbound traffic will be shifted onto the new eastbound and median pavement. Westbound reconstruction will follow and continue through next spring as conditions permit.

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Construction on the $94 million RC1 project will continue into mid-2022. 


Construction is underway through the end of the year on the north and south abutments and two in-stream piers for the new southbound bridge over the Neshaminy Creek. Beam placement and deck construction will begin in early winter and continue through early 2022 as conditions permit.

Also this fall, excavation will continue behind temporary barriers along both sides of U.S. 1 north of the Turnpike Interchange for the construction of retaining walls and embankments that will support construction of a third travel lane, along with an auxiliary lane, in each direction from just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange to the Penndel/U.S. 1 Business Interchange. 

Abutment construction has started on the northbound structure over the Penndel Interchange and adjacent rail lines, the project’s second set of large bridges. Work on the northbound structure will continue in coordination with utility relocations.

Excavation to widen the northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp from Business 1/Penndel also is underway.

Utility relocation work will occur periodically at the Neshaminy Interchange, which will be reconfigured and improved during a later stage of the project.  Improvements to the interchanges will meet current design standards for ramps and acceleration/deceleration lanes.

The $110.9 million RC2 project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2026.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Construction Update: Summer 2021

U.S. 1 Under Construction for Three Miles in Bucks County

Construction continues this summer in Lower Bucks County on two adjacent contracts to improve U.S. 1 by reconstructing and widening the pavement, building several bridges, and improving several interchanges along a continuous three-mile section of highway in Bensalem and Middletown townships.

The contracts, RC1 and RC2, are part of PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve four miles of U.S. 1 in Bucks County.


Reconstruction of the southbound side of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway to north of the Turnpike continues to progress this summer, highlighted by construction on bridges over the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the Turnpike ramps, and Street Road (Route 132).

Deck construction is underway on the northbound side of the new bridges over the Turnpike and Street Road (Route 132). Placement of the new concrete decks on both new spans is expected in late summer. Abutment construction will continue through the summer on the new northbound bridge over Turnpike ramps with deck construction in the fall.

As bridge construction continues, subsurface utilities and parts of the stormwater drainage system also are being installed along the southbound side of the U.S. 1 roadway, and sound walls are being installed along the southbound side between Street Road (Route 132) and the commercial area approaching Old Lincoln Highway.

The new southbound U.S. 1 ramps to and from Street Road (Route 132) remain closed, except for the ramp from U.S. 1 that is temporarily being used to connect to eastbound and westbound Street Road.

On Street Road (Route 132), eastbound reconstruction continues in coordination with construction of the southbound side of the U.S. 1 overpass. 

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Construction on the $94 million RC1 project will continue into mid-2022. 


Excavation continues behind concrete barriers along both sides of U.S. 1 north of the Turnpike Interchange for the construction of retaining walls and embankments. The walls and embankments will support construction of a third travel lane, along with an auxiliary lane, in each direction from just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange through the Penndel/Business U.S. 1  Interchange.

Foundations for abutments and piers for the new southbound bridge over the Neshaminy Creek are under construction (see above). Once foundations are in place, crews will begin the methodical work of building the supports for the new structure.

Work on the project’s second set of large bridges, which will replace the bridges over the Penndel Interchange and adjacent rail lines, will begin later this year after the existing utility lines are relocated.

Excavation to widen the northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp from Business U.S. 1/Penndel also is underway (see right). Construction to reconfigure and improve the Neshaminy Interchange will be done during a later stage of the project. Improvements to the interchanges will meet current design standards for ramps and acceleration/deceleration lanes.

The $110.9 million RC2 project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2026.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Construction Update: Spring 2021

U.S. 1 Construction Expands North as Phase Two Begins

PennDOT’s three-phase project to improve U.S. 1 in Bucks County expanded this spring to include widening a 1.5-mile section north of the Turnpike that includes upgrading the Neshaminy and Penndel interchanges and constructing new bridges over Rockhill Drive, the Neshaminy Creek, and the SEPTA and CSX rail complex north of the creek.


A construction barrier is in place along the northbound and southbound shoulders of U.S. 1 from the north side of the Neshaminy Interchange through the Penndel/Business U.S. 1 Interchange. Working behind the barrier, the contractor will excavate the northbound and southbound embankments along U.S. 1.


As work progresses over the coming months, the Section RC2 contractor will begin building retaining walls that will support construction of a third travel lane, along with an auxiliary lane, in each direction from just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Bensalem Interchange to the Penndel/U.S. 1 Business Interchange.

Following construction of access roads this spring, foundations for abutments and support piers for the new southbound bridges over the creek and the rail lines will start and continue through the remainder of 2021.

Activities also will get underway this spring at the Neshaminy and Penndel/Business U.S. 1 interchanges, which will be reconfigured and improved to meet current design standards for all ramps and acceleration/deceleration lanes. 

Access road construction.

JD Eckman, Inc., of Atglen, PA, is general contractor on the $110.9 million RC2 project, which is financed with 80 percent federal and 20 percent state funds. Section RC2 construction is scheduled be completed in mid-2026.


Reconstruction of the southbound side of U.S. 1 also continues this spring from Old Lincoln Highway to north of the Turnpike, including the remaining sections of new bridges over Street Road, the Turnpike and the Turnpike ramps.

Demolition of the bridges carrying U.S. 1 over the Turnpike and its ramps, and over Street Road (partially) has been completed, and construction of abutment walls for the new bridges is underway (see above).

Foundations for sound walls that will be installed south of the Street Road (Route 132) Interchange also is underway along the southbound side.

As bridge construction continues, installation of subsurface utilities and parts of the stormwater drainage system is underway on the southbound side of US 1 (see right).

The new southbound U.S. 1 ramp to and from Street Road (Route 132) is partially completed and in use for southbound U.S. 1 traffic heading in either direction on Street Road.

On Street Road (Route 132), reconstruction of the middle section of that roadway under the U.S. 1 overpass is being coordinated with construction of the southbound side of the U.S. 1 overpass.

Periodic off-peak or nighttime lane closures will be in place in both directions on U.S. 1 during ongoing construction in both work areas.

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Construction of the new Bristol Road overpass is progressing and headed for completion this summer (see above).

Current construction on the $94 million project (RC1) is the first of three PennDOT contracts (RC2, RC3) that will improve more than four miles of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway in Bensalem Township through Langhorne Borough and Langhorne Manor to north of the Route 413 Interchange in Middletown Township, Bucks County, over the next seven-plus years. 

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Alan Myers Construction, of Worcester, PA, is the general contractor on the $94 million project RC1 project.

Construction Update: Winter 2020-21

Southbound Roadway, Bridge Construction on U.S. 1 Underway

Winter 2020-21 – Center area construction on U.S. 1 was completed in late fall and reconstruction of the southbound side got underway in December on the project to widen and improve U.S. 1 and reconstruct the interchange at Street Road (Route 132) in Bensalem Township, Bucks County.

Work on this project is being done in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a project-specific COVID-19 safety plan, which will include protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and job-site cleaning protocols, management of entries to the job site, special signing, and relevant training.

Early-stage construction underway this winter will remove the pavement (see right) and begin installation of subsurface utilities and stormwater drainage pipes and inlets on the southbound side. Demolition of the southbound sections of U.S. 1 bridges over the Turnpike, the Turnpike ramps, and Street Road (Route 132) also has started, along with construction of foundations for sound walls that will be installed south of the Street Road (Route 132) Interchange.

Activities this winter also will focus on completing construction of the new southbound U.S.1 ramp to and from east and westbound Street Road (Route 132). This ramp is being used temporarily for access from southbound U.S. 1 to eastbound and westbound Street Road (Route 132) as the new ramp is completed.

On Street Road (Route 132), reconstruction of the middle section of that roadway under the U.S. 1 overpass will be coordinated with construction of the western half of the U.S. 1 bridge this winter. Construction to widen the eastbound side of Street Road (Route 132) west of the overpass will resume in the spring. 

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Further north on U.S. 1, crews have removed the old Bristol Road overpass and are building abutments for the new bridge and reconstructing the approaches to the bridge on both sides of U.S.1 (see above) to improve the new bridge’s vertical clearance. Working as weather conditions permit, abutment and center support pier construction will lead to the setting of bridge deck beams in late winter. Deck construction is expected to be underway by early spring, putting the replacement bridge on target for completion — and lifting of the detour — later in the spring.

Current construction on the $94 million project (RC1) is the first of three PennDOT contracts (RC2, RC3) that will improve more than four miles of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway in Bensalem Township through Langhorne Borough and Langhorne Manor to north of the Route 413 Interchange in Middletown Township, Bucks County, over the next seven-plus years. 

A number of engineering activities for the next phase of the project may be taking place along the corridor as well. Motorist may encounter off-peak lane restrictions for some of these activities.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Alan Myers Construction, of Worcester, PA, is the general contractor on RC1.

Construction Update: Fall 2020

Center Roadway, Bridge Construction on U.S. 1 Finishes this Fall

Fall 2020 – Center area construction on U.S.1 and on Street Road (Route 132) will wrap up this fall and reconstruction of the southbound side will get underway in December on the project to widen and improve U.S.1 and reconstruct the interchange at Street Road (Route 132).

Work on this project is being done in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a project-specific COVID-19 safety plan, which will include protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and job-site cleaning protocols, management of entries to the job site, special signing, and relevant training.

Subsurface utilities and stormwater drainage pipes and inlets are in place in the median area of U.S. 1, and the new pavement’s sub-grade is being established across the project area in advance of paving the of the U.S. 1 work area this fall. Construction of the center sections of new U.S. 1 bridges over the Turnpike, the Turnpike ramps, and Street Road (Route 132) finished in early fall.

The new ramp from eastbound Street Road to southbound U.S. 1 also has been constructed. This ramp will be used temporarily for access from southbound U.S. 1 to eastbound and westbound Street Road (Route 132) during the next stage of construction on U.S.1.

Reconstruction of the slip ramp from Horizon Boulevard to the Turnpike’s Bensalem Toll Plaza on the southbound side of U.S. 1 wrapped up and re-opened in late summer. 

On Street Road (Route 132) reconstruction of the westbound lanes between Kingston Way and the ramps to and from U.S. 1 has wrapped up, with work continuing the middle section of that roadway this fall.

Access to and from properties located on both sides of U.S. 1 will continue to be maintained during construction.

Current construction on the $94 million project (RC1) is the first of three PennDOT contracts (RC2RC3) that will improve more than four miles of U.S. 1 from Old Lincoln Highway in Bensalem Township through Langhorne Borough and Langhorne Manor to north of the Route 413 Interchange in Middletown Township, Bucks County, over the next eight-plus years. 

A number of engineering activities for the next phase of the project are taking place along the corridor as well. Motorists may encounter off-peak lane restrictions for some of these activities.

PennDOT in 2014 completed $14.8 million in improvements at the U.S. 1/Maple Avenue Interchange in Middletown Township as part of their overall initiative to modernize and upgrade the U.S. 1 corridor in Bucks County.

Alan Myers Construction, of Worcester, PA, is the general contractor on RC1.